Wine tasting tours are extremely fun to participate in and are a great way to bond with family and friends. You get to experience the very best of what local wineries have to offer, and a chance to indulge in a variety of exotic wines.
Even if you don’t have much experience in drinking wine and have limited knowledge about the drink, you can participate in the tour and learn new things as you taste different wines. But there are some things you must avoid to get the most of your experience.
Below we will discuss some mistakes to avoid during a wine tasting tour:
1. Don’t treat the tasting like a bar
It is important for you to keep in mind that during wine tasting tours, the tasting room is not your local bar where you can indulge in freely and a certain level of poise needs to be maintained.
Don’t interrupt employees or crowd around the bar, and be patient with your questions. The last thing you want to do on a wine tasting tour with a group of people is to seem rude and intolerant.
2. Not asking enough questions
If you have a bunch of questions to ask, make sure you ask them (no matter how stupid they seem). After all, you’ve participated in this tour to learn more about the art and culture of wine, and your guide is there to answer all your questions.
Not availing the opportunity to expand your knowledge will only disappoint you in the end.
3. Not spitting every now and then
Let’s be honest, you don’t want to get drunk on a wine tasting tour. You want to remember every bit of it and also be on your best behavior.
No matter how tempting it may seem to gobble down all those wines, make sure you spit some sample wines out every now and then. Know your limits, and drink in moderation. This will keep you from falling sick on the tour as well. Try not to go on the tour on an empty stomach too.
4. Not being experimental
The best way to make the most of your tour is to not shy away from experimenting with new wines. You don’t know when you’ll get the chance to have them again, so make sure to take your chances when you have them!
No matter how weird or exotic the wine sounds to you, have a sip! Who knows, you may just end up discovering a new favorite.

Artisan Excursion offer great wine tasting tours in Solvang and surrounding areas. They’re perfect for any group size and are extremely affordable to purchase. For more, call them now at 805-734-7565!