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Gift Ideas For A Wine Lover’s Birthday

Updated: Aug 31, 2022

If you’re more of a gift giver than a gift receiver, you know the joy of getting someone a gift they truly enjoy. Getting the perfect gift for a loved one requires much deliberation, but the payoff is worth it.

wine gift

You can never go wrong with giving a gift that relates to a person’s hobby. If their hobby happens to be wine, you’re in luck! We’ve come up with a list of unique gifts for wine lovers that are perfect for birthdays, as a treat, or even for big occasions:

Fun corkscrews and bottle openers

This has got to be a staple in every wine lover’s house—a corkscrew. There are many fun corkscrews you can get your hands on. They’re a functional and quirky gift to give your loved one. They’re available in handlebar mustache shapes, Homer Simpson variants, faucets—the options are endless.

Optical illusion wine holders

Wine holders are the perfect gift for those who stock up on wine all year round. They’re essential for keeping your wines in a cool and dry place without them falling or rolling over. Optical illusion wine holders are made to fool people into thinking that the bottle of wine is levitating. They’re carefully engineered to look that way and can be a nifty party trick.

Wine thermometer

The temperature of your wine affects its taste. Too cold and you won’t be able to taste its various flavors and if it’s too warm it’s just unpleasant. A wine thermometer is like a belt on the bottle with a screen to tell you the temperature. The thermometer is durable and can withstand quite a bit of pressure.

cork screw

Wine carafes

If you’ve never heard of wine carafes before, they’re glass containers that hold wine. They don’t have any handles and are used to store wine mostly because of their unique and beautiful shape. Intricate wine carafes are available that incorporate angles and curves that are eye-catching.

Wine racks

Don’t worry; we’re not talking about expensive wine racks that are a huge piece of furniture. Wine racks today ingeniously incorporate wine bottles within a minimalist design. They don’t take up too much space and can be hung on a wall.

Wine stopper memory stick

Memory sticks are super useful. Most people carry one around on the daily. They’re a convenient way to carry important documents or media around with you. USBs come in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can now even get USBs in a cork cover. It’s a great way to utilize wine stopper too, after all, recycling is everything these days.

You could give your loved one the ultimate gift by booking them in for a wine tasting tour. Get in touch with us for wine tours in Buellton. Our wine tastings and wine pairings are like no other! Book a tour now at 805.734.7565.

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